
I am

Hello. My name is Shoichiro Abe . I'm 19. I major in English inKumamotoGakuenUniversity. I want to learn about american culture and Iwant to study English. I like baswball and american foot ball and I want to watch the proffesional game in the studium. I had been in baseball club when I was high school student. I was able to run fast in those days . But recentry I don't play sports.Mydream is get a job which is needed English, in over sea, for example, Hawaii, Australia, warm area in the U.S, because Idon't like winter, cold area. Ioften catch a cold. Iwant tolive in warm area in the future. Therefore I'm going to study English hard.

2 件のコメント:

yosuke さんのコメント...

I'm very sad you don't play sports recentry . but you go streat your dream I cheer .

pirorin さんのコメント...

Hello!! ABE-D
your dream is use english job☆
Fight Abe-D♪